Luckie found himself at the Unicorn races

  • Luckie found himself at the Unicorn races again, with his last eight gold pieces clinking together in his pocket. He was faced with the sad decision of whether to
  • chop of the Unicorn's head and put it in the wizard's bed. Lucky Luciano had found himself inside a medieval fantasy, and wasted no time taking over the joint, why with his
  • protection racket against the elves and taking over the Dwarf union, he was sitting pretty. The Fairy Godfather had his thumb in every Christmas Pie in the kingdom.
  • Elohim was a strange place. Santa's elves & the dwarves were getting fed up with the Fairy Godfather's mafioso shenanigans, so they staged a counter plan that would bring back good
  • and evil
  • was everywhere. I can't believe the man upstairs let THAT slide through. I found a trampoline so I could bounce up and give Him a piece of my mind. Luckily I had huge quads from my
  • Days as an Olympic table tennis gold medal winner. So I jumped and I jumped, I was high enough to peer into the open window, the room was empty, except for a bottle of purple liqu
  • id laundry soap. Oh, how I needed that to wash my shorts after that unfortunate, and yet fun, incident with the giraffe and the candy bar I had been carrying in my front pocket.
  • I was a sicko, but I openly admit it. You've heard my story. You now understand how my mind works. That's why I am seeking help now from you, Dr. Feelgood.
  • Feelgood shifted and muttered "Well that's very nice, Clarice, but I'm not a doctor and I think that even if I was, I wouldn't give you therapy while banging you. Please leave."


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