as the baby elephant watched it's mother

  • as the baby elephant watched it's mother fall to the ground; in a panic it wondered what it could do to help her
  • But it come to the realization that elephants have no fingers and that there was nothing it could do to save its dying mother.
  • It cried in the corner and said
  • "Please don't make me go back to the Oval Office! Please...puleeeeaaze! I can't take it anymore! And here...take this message to Edward Snowden. Tell him I was wrong about
  • all of it! I was kidding when I said JFK was killed by Dracula, how could anyone have taken that seriously? Yeah, I claimed Elvis and MJ are alive and in my basement, they are NOT.
  • But that didn't stop all the crazies from breaking into my basement. The cages looked very suspicious, but no signs of musical kings anywhere. Squawkers told me to stop the lies.
  • Squawkers's thinly veiled accusation didn't make me angry, it made me sad for the pathetic little bird. I showed him a mirror and he went into a rage trying to attack the "other" b
  • Ird, who was also attacked his wife, Nona, when hunting for food for their eyases. Stardust and Juliet were screeching for food on Det.Manatee's roof, so nobody slept that night.
  • Which would not have happened if somebody had just fed them something. A mouse each would have sufficed long enough to hood them. They know the drill: we wish they didn't but it is
  • not for us to judge. A cute little mouse is only a meal for a falcon, no matter how soft and fuzzy he is, no matter if he wears a tiny hat and has a wife and kids and is named Moe.


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