She yelped with pain after being struck by

  • She yelped with pain after being struck by her master. The Labrador glanced back up fearfully at the drunken man. He spoke garbled words that were angry. The man stumbled forward a
  • bit and struck the Labrador again. "That'll learn you to urinate on the floor!" In a fit of rage, he smashed his bottle of vodka on the table and stabbed his dog with the jagged
  • emotions from his barbed witticism. He was a cold beast too. His dog looked at him like, "How could you?" The Labrador then clamped down on his genitals with a snarling
  • That happened only after he folded a story like this. But that is the best part of folding stories. The randomness of it all was utterly fascinating. And it kept one laughing. He
  • folded stories day and night. His room was filled with paper crumpled up in little balls and his thoughts randomly allowed him to write one line at a time until one day
  • he invented parallel processing, and it allowed him to fold two stories at once. If I do this all day, every day, at 4 minutes per fold, then I'll be able to get them all done by
  • .. now. I'm done now. I have finished every fold that has ever been started. Thanks to the arcane magic of parallel processing and some help from my good friends: me, myself, and I
  • (with assistance from the high priest of being one sunny September morning in 2016) I alone have achieved the fold of all folds! Soon the golden blinking orange shall be mine!
  • But then the horror of golden blinking orange hit me. It could only exist in a home with no jalape�os or mustard! NO, I WILL NOT ALLOW THIS. I was going to send it to Hell or my
  • REAL name's not Juan Jose Santiago Diego Schmitterstein! I tore off my jacket to reveal my superpower tights & shot off into the sky, determined. (Tune in next week for Episode 2.)


  1. LordVacuity Sep 22 2016 @ 21:27

    But most people just call me Smitty.

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