i and my friend decided to go the nearby

  • i and my friend decided to go the nearby swimming complex when, we got there, we change our dress and jumped into the water when, we got to the water, we saw a loch ness monster
  • Great coils of Nessie's delicate tail were exposed in the shallow end. Being Scottish, she had never seen a single ray of sun in her whole life and blisters broke out all over her
  • wallet when the Loch Ness town council suggested that Nessie would have to pay a premium for her water usage. Nessie decided to move, She was tired of this one water horse town.
  • Nessie went to the big city for the first time, taking a flat in the Edgewater neighbourhood, where the Lutfisk family lived next door. She discovered Swedish fish, and got hooked.
  • One of the Kraken's footmen brought this to his attention as he mused upon the state of the world in his Icelandic abode to the northeast of Reykjavik. "Poor Nessie," he thought, b
  • efore leveling his palace in rage. "What wicked thoughts drive men to such cruelty?" the Kraken cried. "First the leprechauns, and now Nessie? Nothing shall restrain my wrath."
  • "BEEP BEEP!" A cloud of dust swirled around the Kraken. But when Kraken's vision cleared, he saw nothing but a little blue box sitting on a rock beside him. The tag read: OPEN ME.
  • The music box began to play. It was all so simple. Life. All he needed was salt water and
  • sea monkeys with a sense of rhythm. He hadn't predicted that finding sea monkeys that could actually hear music would be so difficult. He finally gave up and threw some chimps into
  • the mixer. They loved making hot dance jams. They were great at it and less salty than their brine shrimp cousins. Now everyone parties with the pimp chimps!


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