The master placed the food on the dog's nose

  • The master placed the food on the dog's nose and said, "Staaaaaaayyyyy." The dog's eyes went cross-eyed and he thought, this is the last straw and he
  • sat back in his camp chair watching the dog. When the Lab started to move he again admonished "Staaaaaaaayyy!" The dog treat was balanced right on the tip of his nose and
  • Fido waited patiently to eat the treat just as two blondes from the next camp jogged by in skintight bodysuits. He began to stand up. His wife said "Staaaaaaaayyy!"
  • Fido whimpered and slumped back onto the bench. One of the women looked over her shoulder and giggled. Her teal blue bodysuit gleamed in the sun. Her leg warmers were pink,
  • matching her belt and the stripes across her shoulders and down her arms. This was the uniform of the anti-Fidoists, and she held the rank of major. Fido watched from the bench
  • where he and his girlfriend had been roughly entangled in an oddly positioned bone-burying wrestling match. Fido stopped when the anti-Fidoist majorette headed towards his bench.
  • Unfortunately, Fido hadn't paid for his bench, so he was curled up on it at the outdoor furniture store. The majorette was carrying a basket of apples she had swiped from
  • Mrs Pendle's orchard. The rise in crime concerned the police and indicated a band of criminals were operating a crime spree. The majorette and Fido were
  • oblivious to it all, playing "fetch" with her baton over there in Mrs. Pendle's orchard until...they literally stumbled upon a bloated corpse.The eyes were stuffed with apple cores
  • Mary Lee screamed in utter delight. This would make her drab Sunday morning a lot fun. She picked up her baton and started poking the corpse.


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