Being a TV newsreader might seem like a glam

  • Being a TV newsreader might seem like a glam job. In truth I hate it. The mail I get is either all smarmy or down right insulting. For instance, this one from a 25 year old lady,
  • began with her telling me how much she loved the late night newscast yesterday, but then she trailed off into some tangent about what she ate and how bad her diarrhea was after
  • eating scallops. I looked down at her plate. Did I have the heart to tell her what was in the seafood salad? Quickly, I threw the plates to the ground and grasped both her hands.
  • Now was the time for honesty. I looked in her eyes-and blew it. I straight out lied to her face. The seafood salad was a crab Louie with super salty scallop hunks but the cream was
  • delicious, but food aside, I had just told her I was a girl. I knew this path couldn't end well, but I couldn't bring myself to tell her the truth; I stared at my food as she
  • gingerly withdrew her hand from my belt buckle. There was a long, awkward silence punctuated only by the soft rasp of the chef sharpening his knives. Just as I was about to ask
  • "Who would in their right mind create a belt made out of ginger bread? A delicious tasty treat made out of pure sugar.". You go on to say how you can't slap knives into
  • Kengar the Incredible without the Pocket Knight Wilting into a kayleetam of Chaz! But that is the Moral End of this Ghostly Death. Is this a seed(y) of something new? Who is nex
  • t in this parade of names? Wilt the Stilt! His Old man Brad & wife Minny Knife caused him a life full of strife. She slept with Clarence Clepto hooked on Pepto. Wilt's bud Dim Slim
  • on a whim stopped this silly rhyming nonsense and tried a little free verse, but it was the worst. So he gave in until the end, but under a psuedonym.


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