The retcon police had successfully retooled

  • The retcon police had successfully retooled Jar Jar Binks into an ex-soldier of fortune, but now they faced greater challenge: Undoing Steven Moffat's time as Dr. Who showrunner.
  • This is what it meant to be in the Central Casting Intelligence Agency. Spy work behind the Hollywood scenes. I'm one of the most powerful double agents. I am
  • an asshole in a tophat. A scourge of a stain in the armpit of civilization. I am Georges St. Georges, agent provocateur, CCIA powerbottom. The poppy seed between your teeth.
  • "You sho do got some kinda imagination, yo sho do..." Old Joe leaned against his mop. "Now go'on & get that mess in aisle 10 cleaned up, 'for sombuddy slips." I grabbed my bucket &
  • and went to Aisle 10, but was too late. Someone had slipped on the mess and died. This could cost me my job! I stuffed the body in a grocery cart, covered it jars of salad dressing
  • & pushed it into a walk in freezer. I parked the cart & corpse behind some sides of beef and went back to work. Next day, in the butcher section I spotted a tray of toes labelled a
  • nonymously: 'toes, country of origin unknown'. Stifling my laughter in the guise of a yawn, I moved on to the bakery, where I squeezed a couple of bread rolls menacingly and chuckl
  • ed to myself as I dreamed of taking over the world. I needed a good plan, so I consulted Dr Angry Pants. He was the Oprah of villains and his evil plans were always the bees knees
  • Muhahahha! DrAngryPants decided that he needed some calm in his life b4 the evil plotting could happen, he would try his hand at open mic night. He won this guitar @Bunbury fest &
  • immediately hopped on stage before learning it was Broadway showtunes night, not open mic night. The queens ripped him apart in anger, and ended up saving the world from his evil.


  1. CrazyBananas Jul 12 2013 @ 13:11

    I'm a sucker for a happy ending.....

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