'If I told you you had a beautiful body,

  • 'If I told you you had a beautiful body, would you hold it against me,' he crooned into the mike. Sheila's cheeks burned cos she knew the song was meant for her. She started to
  • sway side to side as the singer continued softly, 'You must be tired because you’ve been running through my head all night.' Sheila went weak in the knees. She loved sincerity.
  • Sheila took off her top, undid her bra and threw it up on stage with a loud WooooooHoo!! Three Hells Angels immediately
  • did the same. Inspired, Spike the leader of the local Hell's Angels chapter stripped out of his leather suite to reveal net stockings and a garter. His coming out
  • signaled a new age for the Hell's Angels. Along with the group's leather jackets, they also carried leather bags. Instead of having Mohawks they mimicked flock of seagulls, instead
  • of riding hogs they drove Priuses. The Hell's Angels President decided they needed a new image. They went to Madison Avenue for a Logo rejuvenation and
  • became Earth's Angels, driving their Priuses slowly down highways promoting their radical agenda. Then they'd go camping and do each other's tatoos.
  • And when they kissed they would forget to roll their Rs, their beautiful Rs. But there would always be Statlers and Waldorfs looking down upon us, mock at the ready, and yet
  • the real hilarity ensued when she had to scream, "RRRRRRRRRRRRAPE". He laughed so hard he almost couldn't keep hitting her. Even his own rolled Rs were funny to him that moment.
  • He looked at her lovingly with a tender smile forming under his thick, black moustache. "Come now dear, let us not turn this rape into murder, shall we?"


  1. Zetawilk Sep 12 2012 @ 04:09

    Rrrrrromance is a farrrrrce.

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