Franklin laid some rifts on his glass harmonica.

  • Franklin laid some rifts on his glass harmonica. The French Ladies-in-Waiting were swooning to his clever slides. Ben crooned "Anybody want a revolution, baby?" Adams sneered.
  • But that was because Adam's face was "stuck" on sneer. He was sneering at a French Diplomat who was using snuff when Franklin good naturedly slapped him on the back and that
  • wasn't kosher. Something about Adam's casual comment and his "stuck" sneer sent Franklin on a anti-semitic rant. This did not sit well with Mr. Owl and Franklin was sent home.
  • Franklin received an out-of-school suspension for two weeks while Mr. and Mrs. Turtle took turns staying home from work. Neither could get a sick day Friday and that was the day Ha
  • rriet skipped school & invited over her heartthrob Raphael for a descuting. While Harriet was buffing the ninja bad boy in his naked shell, Franklin turtle stole his Sai & called
  • up Bowser to show it off. Why he had such contacts, we may never know, but Raphael was not happy one iota about Franklin pinching his sai. Tortimer, being the mayoral authority,
  • Turned to Bowser and said "Master King Koopa, what are your thoughts regarding the matter?"
  • "I think we should eat everything before it's too late." -"But Master Koopa..." -"B-b-b-b. Don't you 'butt' me now, child. If I say you eat it - you EAT it. Now, go on..."
  • "BUT IT'S MOVING!" the child blurted out. It won't stay put in my mouth long enough for me to chew. How do you expect me to finish it when I can't even get past the chewing
  • "One good CHOMP and it will stop." Mom had an answer for everything. "I'll hold it and you can bite it, just like in the wild. Let's count together, One, Two, Three!"


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