The moonlight shines as I await the presence

  • The moonlight shines as I await the presence of the Dark league warrior and his war hound named Dracos. I'm the queen of this universe, he is to gather the other Dark warriors.
  • Tonight is the night when the Dark League will invade the other universe, having already conquered this one. Dracos trotted in, followed by his owner. "My queen," he said and bowed
  • so deeply that he stumbled and nearly fell over. The queen smirked and ordered the Dark League to assist Draco to his quarters. "Wait I have an important message.
  • from the Wolfman". "And?" retorted the Queen.Draco replied "He says the Pack has sighted Throckmorton and his vampire hunters at Hunyad Keep!" The Queen laughed haughtily. "Throck?
  • Hah!" The queen sneered. "Guards, gather the hellhounds and send them to meet our 'guests'. Throck and that murderous band of hunters will soon be coming this way. As for you Draco
  • , keep sewing dresses for the handmaidens. Draco was pissed. He hated sewing dresses. Why didn't he ever get cool orders like going with the hellhound party? Screw this queen, he
  • utterly shouted and bolted for the coridor, the queen watched in an emense of exasperation knowing what a snap of her fingers could result in a mould beyond any thought process wat
  • cher would hazard to follow alone. The hivemind was listening. The Queen never snapped those fingers and the intruder got away with the mould. The Queen looked at her ring. Had she
  • more than just the one finger, she surely would have snapped them. Too late now, the mould was gone and the Queen was all ready late for this year's Cher Farewell Tour. Her limo
  • arrived late&then they got stuck in traffic held up by a caravan. "Gypsies, tramps, & thieves! Outta the road!" "I got you, Babe"said the limo driver. If they could turn back time!


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