I have a great idea for a business for anyone

  • I have a great idea for a business for anyone who is unemployed. I call it "The Erotic Soup Company" and all you need is a hotplate, a pot, water, a spoon, and a street corner.
  • Unlike alphabet which contains letters our erotic soup contains shapes of different sexual positions. You name it and we have it in our soup. Some favourites include the
  • missionary rigatoni with 69 flavors, or beef broth with real bone R's. But our biggest runner is human tetris soup leaving something up to chance & imagination
  • if you catch my drift. I'm talking about fitting the ole line piece right in the open slot. Just filling it up completely and yelling Tetris! TETRIS!!! Whew, is it hot in here?
  • Water! I ripped the bottle out of the spaced out kid on the sofa, swigged deeply. VODKA! Damn. I almost hurled. The next level of Tetris started up. Had to keep it together.
  • My Tetris score was about to turn over. I had blisters on my thumbs from my two week marathon. The screen flashed, "Welcome Comrade to secret Lenin level!"
  • Lenin level featured a new tetris shape - the sealed train, and Trotskeyite factions.
  • Trotsky was well rested after a cup of Russian coffee with goat milk.he read the newspapers as much as he could, whilst Lenin ate toast with jam at their communal breakfast ritual.
  • "Weren't we supposed to meet Tito, Freud, and that new kid Hitler at the coffeehouse this morning?" "Yes", her replied taking a sip of his coffee. "I seem to remember that but the
  • trouble is, that sounds like the start of a really bad joke, and I don't want to be in the punchline, especially wherever Freud and Hitler are concerned."


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