yes the hairs at the back of my neck stood

  • yes the hairs at the back of my neck stood up i was about to die of scares but well, that noise it was from deep down the earth it was calling it wanted me so bad it was calling
  • me: 'Jerry, Jerry, if you don't get your ass home right now, you won't get any dinner!' I sighed, turned around and saw the most amazing creature I had ever laid eyes on. It was bl
  • ue unicorn appearing on a pink cloud. "Your mom's meatloaf can wait for later Jerry, come with me on an adventure of wonder!" I thought about it, Mom's meatloaf was pretty good...
  • ...but I was drawn inexorably toward that scintillating blue unicorn. I walked through the glittering portal; sinister green stars winked in the distance. I followed Jerry toward
  • the Las Vegas Palace of Fantasy Casino. Our agreement was that we'd each gamble with our college savings until one of us was broke. Jerry sat down at Black Beard's Black Jack table
  • next to the salty Pirate. Black Beard said, "Arr ye going to be for me or against me matey?" Jerry could see the burning embers in his beard. We were gambling our college savings
  • by being philosophy majors, so we needed a job. "The greatest quality is seeking to serve others, Blackbeard. So would you let Jerry and me serve you?" He handed us Q-Tips. "Swab
  • the crevasse between your butt cheeks and hand it back to me". Jerry nodded eagerly so we did as instructed. He took the samples and placed the in zip lock bags to save for later.
  • That little ritual ought to keep him preoccupied for a while.Sure enough, there sat Jerry, peering into his zip lock bags, muttering colors to himself. Our work was not yet done
  • as Jerry still had the bags. We needed to get them to release the colors back into the world. One snowglobe swap later and we saved the world from a dull black and white future.


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