but she never forgot. how could she? she

  • but she never forgot. how could she? she was being charged with the death of her own mother. but of course no one would believe it wasnt her, he got away before he was even seen.
  • from that day she made a promise to her self... she would find the man who did this and make him pay just like hes making her pay
  • a princely sum to tattoo his knees. On the right knee is a love heart and on the left is a rodent of unusual size. This, for her, was another black mark against him and Lord knows
  • just one more mark against him would send her careening helplessly down the abysmal shaft of insatiable lust to a realm of overpowering urges & unspeakable cravings which only HE
  • could stop. He could stop at any time. He didn't have to put one more quarter into Frogger, that grip of adrenaline as he dodged trucks and gators to get to his home. (ka-chunk.)
  • -Splat!- Once his last frog was roadkill, he left the gaming palace. Across the street was a sign: FoldingStory/Arcade Gamer Rehab. He handed in all his quarters at the front desk.
  • A cardboard receptionist wearing a Flat Stanley nametag pointed him to his room. His bunkmate, a recovering Space Invader addict, barely looked up from his foldingstory screen.
  • It was midnight and stories were folded continuously until 3am! It was too much fun, and there was no beer left in the cooler outside, It was not good beer, this was a lot more fun
  • than getting teeth pulled although laughing gas might have improved the situation. I must have been thinking out loud. Just then several FSers rolled in a ginormous tank of N2O.
  • Slowly, the gas fills my nostrils, and frenzied into laughter that gave me panic attacks. Then slowly, just slowly, I lose my consciousness and await death to take me out of here.


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