When we met again, Krixix petted me psychically.

  • When we met again, Krixix petted me psychically. "My good human!" I didn't mean to bristle, and sent my regrets. But we both remembered that Arcturians had treated us like pets. E
  • commerce had given the Arcturians axis to our social media and then they basically made us their pets. Krixix was my master. He always yelled at me when I drank out of their
  • toilets. Screw them, their urine is like the nectar and ambrosia of the gods.
  • I lap up the warm god's nectar in to my watering mouth, feeling a tingle in the back of my throat as it lolloped down my windpipe. Suddenly, I spluttered. What was I thinking?
  • I wasn't and I didn't care. I returned my lips to the celestial teat, drowning and drowning in a golden warmth as the nectar filled my entire being. My every cell radiated
  • pure unadulterated joy. But as the minutes turned into hours, I began to consider that there must be another teat. Would it be better? What star system contained it, and who cul
  • led the herd if not me? So the 2nd Star Teat became my obsession. With my First Mate Starbuck and a marineŕo named Ishmael I set out from Pequod V in search of it.
  • For Tall Vanilla Green Tea Latte's had become my thing, and I was resilient to give my special count of pumps, although Caffiene was very bad for you. I never needed it, for I ha
  • D a need to stay awake on the job, despite the mind numbing stupidity surrounding me. If there's one thing I cannot stand, it's stupidity. Caffeine is way better than cocaine or
  • petroleum jelly for growing hair on my once-barren scalp. It was stupidity that made me lose my hair, and caffeine that made it grow again. But the heart attack finished all that.


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