Datapad Entry #1: I watched our ship explode

  • Datapad Entry #1: I watched our ship explode from inside my space pod. Captain O'Quinn stayed and died a hero's death. Not sure how many got out after the Martians' attack.
  • My pods descent to the Martian surface was a bumby ride - inertial damping was damaged but a dust storm obscured my landing in Coprates Chasma. The Martian attack on our ship was
  • but I managed to save Dr. Bumi and some equipment. Plus, Coprates isn't that bad of a spot to lay low on Mars, considering where the attackers erupted from. Dr. Bumi hasn't said
  • much since we fled the initial attack. I couldn't tell what the doctor was thinking. Out of boredom, I scuffed my space-boot into the canyon walls, kicking up clouds of red dust.
  • loosing sight of my surroundings i felt motionless. still. silence. at ease. the red became my mother's womb- holding me- cupping me in her womb.
  • Inside the warmth, I could taste iron on my teeth and tongue.
  • I realized that I was actually biting an oven. “FAAAAAA!! AAAAHHHH!!” I yelled frantically. My tongue was blistering and searing.
  • "Who put these teeth marks on my new oven?" asked Meridith. I kept my blistered and searing tongue in my mouth and shrugged. I waited until she left the room before running for the
  • nearest water supply, which happened to be a flower vase on the table. It was the stinkiest, nastiest, slimiest liquid concoction I had ever had the misfortune of tasting, but...
  • I still somehow ended up getting addicted to the taste. For the rest of my days I would break into homes to drink the vase water. They caught me in 2044 and I eventually recovered.


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