As we know it, the world is coming to an

  • As we know it, the world is coming to an end. Hell on Earth, world poverty has heightened , deaths per 1000 live births per year have peaked over a billion while old beings---
  • are forced to be executed. This is the end and nothing will be able to stop it. This is what Michael thinks as he takes his morning jog through Central Park.
  • As it happens, he is mistaken. The execution will never take place. Michael will never stop jogging. Ripples cross the duck pond this bright morning.
  • Was this a "stay" or was it just luck and is it better not too look to close? Like when a bird lands nearby - you peer out of the corner of your eye hoping not to break the spell.
  • And then the annoying Lydia comes flailing in, ruining everything with a loud "OMG! There's a bird!" I wish I'd known about her when I bought this house. Now I'm stuck with having
  • one of "those" neighbors. I can't say a cross word to her because Lydia is handicapped (6 toes on her left foot). I'm shunned by the book club ladies just for saying that she
  • might have a hard time running due to her disability. What was so wrong with that? I thought I was being thoughtful, but apparently not. Since when did "disability" become a bad
  • thing? Still, I realised that I was acting overly defensive out of embarrassment. Later that day, I took her aside and apologised, then asked how I could do better in the future.
  • When I asked, her face just showed up. It had been there before & I can't explain how it went from not there to there but it was there. "You understand? You had to ask me 1st." I d
  • idn't but the ominous note in the question told her that was the wrong answer so she broke off eye contact & pointed to somebody behind the girl who'd asked her. She sold it & ran.


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