Peter Griffin looked at the ramparts. They

  • Peter Griffin looked at the ramparts. They were strong. With the garrisons full, he should be able to withstand an attack from Westeros's King, Lord Stewie.
  • He couldn't, but before the Westeros soldiers impaled him to /freaking death/, he lured Stewie into the meat grinder and fed him to Lois and his dog. A fourth spin-off emerged in
  • 1989 when the colour revolutions began. Blue became red; red became yellow; yellow became blue ... you get the drift. It was baffling stuff. So much for feeling anger at the banks.
  • Then four years later we learned that the colour revolutions were staged by the banks to take our attention off of them while they dicked us over by going crazy on the hidden fees.
  • There was a fee for wearing socks with sandals, for having a bee on your shoulder, for overdrafts (okay, I get that one, but), a fee for not cleaning behind the fridge, a hefty one
  • for letting the roaches live their little lives in peace, garnished wages for stepping on a crack, a weird sort of look for not being "crystal-resonant", wergeld for axe murders, f
  • ive more minutes and they would be in the daylight with the Geico woodchucks, Pinnococho, and the Raccoons
  • When he awoke, it was dark. From the lump on his head, and coconut in his lap, his loss of time was made clear, but which way and where to go. He looked around without direction.
  • He got up and the coconut fell down. He felt bad and put it back on the shelf. He suddenly was craving grapes. He wandered the produce aisle, eyes peeled, focused on the mission
  • to steal the intelligence from K.R.O.G.E.R. They had cleverly encoded it in the flavors of their food, but his cravings never lied. Once he ate the grapes, he knew their secrets!


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