The students of Menopeak High School were

  • The students of Menopeak High School were reading through the list of unusual careers on offer at the Career Day Expo. The first job offered was
  • rat catcher to the queen. Another, gas lighter. Another computer programmer. Weird career choices indeed. Bunny couldn't choose, so sent her CV to all 3. Next week, a letter ploppe
  • r opening appeared in her Monster.com inbox. Bunny was motivated. A letter plopper meant that you could get really hammered at work because
  • the boss had clearly given up. Rather than the usual 30/70 split between actual work and goofing off the staff went for it. The unreachable. The pinnacle. 100% slack. Bunny poured
  • herself a tall glass of stout. But her coworker, Hennius, knocked it from her hand and accused her of be productive and why didn't she take a vacation, a permanent vacation. Bunny
  • Had a headache and looked for Advil. She carried her own luckily. And told no one. One mouse was missing in action and the cat dutifully hunted it down. It was in the larder.
  • This is how she imagined curing her headache.It was the mouse hiding in the larder.The Advil pill was the cat which would hunt down and kill the mouse.She secretly slipped the pill
  • down her gullet. She could feel the Advil pill in her stomach, crouching, waiting to pounce on her pain. Then she felt it wash itself and fall asleep. Meanwhile her headache danced
  • merrily on the remains of his old nemesis, the Advil pill. "Mweh heh heh I'll no longer be your pain but your grain!" he taunted her. "My grain?" she thought blankly "my GRAIN? Oh!
  • Well, that's not going to work. I'm totally grain-free!" She patted her bulging tummy. "Keto all the way, baby!" she teased back. He just stared at her. Miffed, he walked out.


  1. LordVacuity Jan 31 2018 @ 21:12

    I think that is the first time I have ever heard that a guy was miffed. I have heard countless times about women being miffed. I have heard about guys being annoyed, angered, red in the face, steaming and countless others but I am pretty sure never that a guy was miffed. It just might provincial reading habits, but that is a new one on me. The point I think I am trying to make is that I completely understood the line so it wasn't the wrong word. I am just questioning my memory of ever hearing that particular phrase. I only mention it because I want to show that sometimes the lines you write, or maybe mine for you, lead you to ask yourselves questions.

  2. LordVacuity Jan 31 2018 @ 21:58

    Although they may be stupid question, like this one was.

  3. LordVacuity Jan 31 2018 @ 22:01

    Are you Stupid Question? No, but you must be Good Question, because that was a good question. You didn't know who I was. You're looking for Stupid Question. For all you knew, I was Stupid Question. So you asked me a good question. I hope my now you know that I am really Long Answerer.

  4. LordVacuity Jan 31 2018 @ 22:03

    Long Answerer is the dead twin brother of Stupid Question.

  5. 49erFaithful Feb 01 2018 @ 10:12

    If a stupid question is asked in a forest and there's no one there to hear it, does it make the same sound as one hand clapping?

  6. LordVacuity Feb 01 2018 @ 21:03

    I heard the sound of one hand clapping on the Rockford Files.

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