I like to take what's there & work with it,

  • I like to take what's there & work with it, try to develop it further,especially when it's a promising idea. Mind, if I haven't got a clue what its about I just do something crazy
  • enough that the poor author whose fold I wrecked would gladly pay to have me whacked if he could hack my vpn. Well, why did they withhold vital details as if it's top secret info?
  • I'll tell you why. They secretly "leak" the info to other FoldingStory users, and the people whose posts I ruin, will find out it was me. Then a mob of angry FS users would come
  • and reveal they are actually furious singers. And the stories they told and fold were a secret opera all about
  • alien stoners in a quest to find terrestrial radiation.Those alien were curious and giddy.The opera though was true and
  • conscious of it's ways, and the New energy of the crowd shoved out the Old Energy. Blue and Gold came together and bowed, as Pink and Green were sent back home to where they came
  • to stand before a hastily convened Military Tribunal. They were grilled by a cadre of former Pinks and Greens to give an account for how they had failed so miserably at their duty.
  • [Having just now been informed that the secret of our secret opera is out it was strongly suggested that I do this follow up.] The senior Pink stepped forward and sang an aria to
  • The third generation Pink, who was singing about the Burning Man festival. This disturbed the senior Pink to no end! He was even more concerned about the corruption of culture by
  • those who had sworn never to wear pink pants. Those people were the worst kind of dangerous, to his mind. He would have nightmares about them coming to rip off his pink pants. Eek!


  1. Woab Sep 01 2016 @ 16:10

    If I was wearing pink pants, they would be damp by now.

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