hola como estas como parece uhhh experimento

  • hola como estas como parece uhhh experimento
  • Said the sign on the door. At the time I had no clue what it meant, and even now I can only guess, but as a male prostitute on the run from the Illuminati, I had little choice but
  • to trust no one and take it like a man. Throwing caution to the wind I knocked. No answer. Gingerly I pressed against the door. It opened to reveal a disheveled figure on the floor
  • spread-eagled and wearing naught but a smile. I knew this might be my only chance. I took off my pants and
  • stole the other person's pants from the floor. That delicious tiger-skin pleather is finally mine! I struggled to put them on as the owner pursued me down the street
  • . I struggled as the pleather squeezed my thighs. "Stop Pants Thief!" I, the trouser bandit, had struck again. No britches were safe in the fashion district of SoHo. But the cops,
  • after a few embarrassing pantsless episodes now wisely chased the trouser bandit wearing skirts. At least the bandits crime spree had changed the old cliche that cops were machomen
  • but I always figured that dresses and mustaches didn't go together. Especially when the policemen have to hike up the skirt for a footchase, they're not as methodical about shaving
  • the ice down in Cuba. When it's hotter than monkey shit in a skillet and you have a terribly acerbic taste screaming in your mouth from a harsh petit corona, then shaved ice
  • feels like God pissing his mercy down your throat. The man wiped the syrupy sweat form his brow and turned to the woman, whose dress was now well over her head. "Try some of this


  1. nutmegaman Apr 28 2011 @ 00:32

    oh no, i had the last line! my bad. rookie mistake.

  2. Bad. Apr 28 2011 @ 01:45

    no worries man. Happened to me the other day too!

  3. SlimWhitman Apr 28 2011 @ 17:05

    actually for me it works if you just finish the quote with another " What was that stuff they were having anyway? :-)

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