The green cow

  • The green cow
  • looked in the mirror and realised she presence in her blood of the pigment chlorophyll from excess grass intake causing the discolouration of her skin. The green cow
  • was now freaked out about the milk she'd produce. I mean, brown cows make chocolate milk, so what was Bessie destined to produce? Green tea? Shamrock shakes? Maybe all the grass
  • she ate would end up tasting like that Naked juice everyone raves about. I started milking her, too curious to wait another second. The milk...it was green...but it was also moving
  • towards the gutter ... much like this story. So, anyway, yesterday while I was riding my unicorn over the rainbow to meet my friend Eli, the Jewish Leprechaun, I noticed that
  • they had raised the rainbow toll charge by a full rainbow dollar! I get that the economy is bad and all, but this is just too much, wasn't the unicorn insurance raised last week?
  • Rumors spread that evil trolls and demons were trying to take over the economy. They had millions of rainbow dollars, and they kept taking more. Something had to be done
  • The ghost of Hitler fell from the sky and started building an army of pixies, faeries, and ugly plumbers that were high off magic mushrooms. They ate the trolls and demons, then
  • consumed all of the ugly women of the world. That was it...all that they needed for Utopia. Oh, but we all know what Saint John said would happen next. The Whore of Babylon
  • would, uh..um. She was gonna do something. The a pit of, um uh. You know, I didn't read Revelations. Maybe we can catch in on PayPerView or as a crappy Scifi movie. "Syfy" my ass.


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