Thinkin of my LEHIGH GIRLS. 1 getting married.

  • Thinkin of my LEHIGH GIRLS. 1 getting married. Another engaged. Rest with babies. I LOVE you & miss you girls. I need to get back east.
  • I remember all the fun times we had, stealing the African Elephant and keeping it in the backyard of the sorority house? That one time we ruffied the football team? The STD outbrea
  • k during formal weekend? The stained panty raids? The girls of Zeta Meta Omega were known as the wild ones, but the dean never caught them. That's because
  • the dean was sleeping with a few Zeta Meta Omegas. It was all fun and games until the dean decided to ditch his Tom Selleck Mustache for a more Salvador Dali look. The girls soon
  • stopped swooning and instead appeared to start melting before his eyes, much like the Nazis in Raiders of the Lost Ark. (Sorry for the spoiler if you haven't seen it yet).
  • His girlfriend called an ambulance, but by the time the paramedics arrived, their patient was nothing more than a puddle of waxy goo and some clothes on the floor.
  • They were stunned. Detective Blopski called for an investigation, knowing only animals could have pulled this off. How else could a human disintegrate so bloody quickly that black
  • holes had formed in space? Detective Blopski knew that in order to find these criminal animals (or "craminals" as he like to call them) he would have to enter one of these
  • holes. So he left his final instructions with his #1 and with only is telepathic iguana stepped into the nearest hole into a different universe where he was now a she and his iguan
  • was now a golem transmitting some other entity's thoughts into her mind to control her. Thanks to her training at Fleetstar she manages to turn the table on it.


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