Ted said, "Goodnight." Closed the door. Went

  • Ted said, "Goodnight." Closed the door. Went to his closet and opened it. Red eyes gleamed in the dark. He shoved the coats aside. The vampire was bolted to the wall and hissed
  • through broken fangs. Ted wasn't really tired so much as he just wanted to go out for once, but the vampire..Even bolted to the wall, he had the power to irritate Ted. Ted's pliars
  • Had some trouble bolting him to them but they stood up. However when Ted couldnt stand the vampires voice any longer he double karate chopped him and broke his nose.
  • The nose fell off and started morphing into a motorcycle. Ted mounted the bike, realizing that it was too small, crushing it and turning it to dust. The vampire was still
  • morphing into a bat and therefore missing Ted morphing into a 6 foot tall silver cross.. Meanwhile the dust morphed into a bat house with baroque interior.
  • I examined the haunted building. I saw that there were crazy asian people forming an alliance with germany. Their mission was to destroy Mexico and every one that
  • wasn't a WASP. I thought that Asia was rather misinformed in their entering into this alliance with the Nazis. Seriously what were they thinking? And how did Mexico fit in to
  • this weird little teaparty? I decided it was time to infiltrate the MAN-alliance. So I dyed my hair (black) and put in my brown contact lenses. After all, I was a pure-bred Arian,
  • horse. So, wearing my disguise, i calmly trotted into the Clue Clutz Clydesdale meeting. I was offered some oats, which i refused. I was only here to assassinate their leader.
  • 'Ultimate Horse!' I shouted, and pressed my hand down on the pulsing green hologram of the Omnitrix. I felt my bones lengthen, muscles strengthen. Now! Now, I am unstoppable!


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