Läks kord õpilane Mari kooli
- Läks kord õpilane Mari kooli
- Mari midagi aru ei saanud. Aga see oli ainult tema teine päev. Õpetaja juhtis Mari ja ütles, "Laps räägib siis kui kana pissib".
- Kana, vahepeal täielikult aru. See oli kahetsusväärne. Majahoidja suutis Höyhentää, kuid mitte kuiv õpetaja märkmeid. Või tema kleit; mitte, et ta ei paku.
- Pärast puhastamist kuni õpetaja teatas valdkonnas reis, ja me läksime metsas jalutades. Andri ja Grete läks kaduma. Kuulsime karud Ohver, millele järgneb karjed.
- Translated into English, that is "The sidewinder sleeps tonight and Dr. Seuss is on the loose. The payphones no longer work because they were side-jacked by some jungle cats who
- ring the bells throughout the night at random times like they did at the Alamo. Their labyrinthine intentions are transmitted by each peal that hits you, relentlessly, like waves
- of caramel Frappechino, bringing any trespasser to their knees. Only a true teenage white girl could navigate this chasm without succumbing to the caffeine high. Deborah knew that
- she was the one true teenaged white girl to do it. She gulped down her Frappechino, wiped the foam from her lips and leapt into the void. For a glorious moment she hovered in space
- but then was brought down by her weight. You see, Frappuccinos have a nickname: Fatuccinos. And this innocuous white teenage girl had had too many.
- But in the end (pun intended), it didn't matter. You know why? 'Cause fat-bottomed girls, they make the rockin' world go 'round! Pass the Frappuccino!
- Started
- 2016-03-14 04:16:12
- Finished
- 2016-10-12 17:15:36
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