It was past noon and he had accomplished

  • It was past noon and he had accomplished exactly nothing. While there was nothing to do, the fact that he was doing nothing disturbed him. When the doorbell range, he felt
  • a sense of dred, because not doing nothing might become more difficult. He realised that just pondering whether to answer the door was not doing nothing, and said "oh fuck"
  • she's only a girl scout selling thin mints. He opened the door. It was the size of a girl scout but the badges on her sash were eyes, staring at him. In her cookie box was an
  • other box and inside that box was
  • a little diorama, cut of construction paper, depicting the Red Coats in 1776 meeting their untimely end by the barrage of dinosaurs. Under a talon, was another box, which contained
  • numerous differents types of pencil sharpners of many shapes, years, and sizes.
  • I collected these pencil sharpeners for years. You see, I had my first kiss with my late husband at the pencil sharpener in second grade and ever since, I've been completely
  • smitten with them. My house is filled with them. Stacks upon stacks of sharpeners. My favorite is my 1932 pink Stafford sharpener. I like to turn the crank and listen to the gears
  • power my garage door. My house was wired to manual sharpeners. But as I cranked, a spark set off a pencil shavings fire. I started my car with another sharpener, but more sparks
  • consumed the garage in a blase of glowing yellow embers made of gay, bombastic shrapnel. And so it turned out to be a festive Fourth of July after all. In April.


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