It was everywhere. "It was in my raccoon

  • It was everywhere. "It was in my raccoon wounds." Almost 24 hours later I was still blowing black acrylic ink out of my nose. The scene had been movie quality--epic really...
  • It was sad that it had to go to waste like that. Then I thought, why does it have to be that way? I set my mind to it and went to work on reconstructing the scene. Raccoons would
  • eat the trash every Thursday. If waste keeps on coming, they’ll just eat it. The only problem with that is that more will come. It makes sense that they no longer come back.
  • I mean, really, eating trash is a very time-consuming job. I'm sure they've got better things to do with their time than pulverising paper and masticating metal.
  • But they had a job to do. If that meant chewing up as many old tin cans, soggy newspapers, and discarded potato peelings, than so be it. After all, God knows they needed the money,
  • And that was why Hollywood created an account on FoldingStory and said to its netizens: "Hey, wouldn't it be easier to just have AI write all your folds for you?" And FS said,
  • "it won't be fun if we did that". AI was slowly taking over the world even Hollywood was taken over. But, FoldingStory remained unchanged in the face of the adversity.
  • but with all of the writers on strike maybe AI will take our finished Folding Stories to crank out a script for a new television show starring Steve Buscemi as a retired detective.
  • This was very likely to happen soon, since the Coen Brothers already started to work on a script about the AI taking all over the world without people noticing. Buscemi had to
  • guide 9 souls through Purgatory to the Pearly Gates. Not everybody had a Beatrice.


  1. shinri Oct 09 2023 @ 19:26

    Hahahaha I wasn't expecting the raccoon's ink to the AI vs FS plot twist

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