He was a close-minded conservative bigot,

  • He was a close-minded conservative bigot, she was a spoiled liberal lunatic. They both shared a love of Dr. Seuss and musical-comedies. They got married.
  • They had two kids, a dog and a mortgage. They fought constantly - he'd rant about how the socialists were gonna destroy the world, she'd bitch about the manatees and high-fructose
  • corn syrup additives. But they agreed the world was going to end soon & so he included an aquarium for 2 manatees & a spot for her bonsai organic apple orchard on his space arc
  • The ark flew through space and i came across a planet which was made untiringly of cheese, no it was not the moon but the fromage tron
  • X74V. This planet had a strong odor. Although It was made of cheese, Fromage Tron X74V had a surface that was surprisingly solid. Also, the gravity was like Earth's so I could
  • just carry on with a normal lifestyle. I could do anything that I could do on Earth. Play football, make art, write, but all with an infinite supply of cheese. Fromage TronX74V was
  • part cheese and part machine. He was a CyGorgonzola. Fromage TronX74V was a block of cheese who'd had an accident. The USDA decided to rebuild the cheese and added
  • things to it like addition spices, more warheads and ponies. Now a new model was born to counter the mecha-cheese, and it was called the Monterey AppleJack W-Blink-182.
  • "Where is the Limberger when we most need to hide the smell of wet paint?", King Olaf bellowed. "He's drunk again!", The Crown Prince told the servant. It was his favourite cheese
  • burger, but it simply wasn't enough to quell the fumes. "Go forward with the plan," the Crown Prince told the servant. They left & locked the door. How easy it was to murder k


  1. Magic Mar 21 2016 @ 20:09

    TYPO!!! I meant for it to be: *burger, but it simply wasn't enough to quell the fumes. "Go forward with the plan," the Crown Prince told the servant. They left & locked the door. It was easy to murder the King. Muahahaha

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