"Arrrrr me matey, I be Captain John D. Pussinfeathers

  • "Arrrrr me matey, I be Captain John D. Pussinfeathers and I'll be your guide on these troubled waters. ARRRR." Jesus, Bob thought, was this tour really going to be 2 hours?
  • Bob was not alone. Murmurs of mutiny spread through vessel. Cap'n John announced: "Look ye abaft, for thar hav ye parked. And now to starboard, we see the coastline." Bob shouted:
  • "what the f*cks that mean? Cap'n John get a speech therapist or let Silver take the helm!" Ca'n John didn't like the sound of that and let his cutlass do the talking
  • "Calm yeselves down, mateys. I understand that ye don't like t' cap'n's manner o' speech, but it's not worth mutiny! It's not worth ye life!" said Cap'n John's cutlass.
  • His crew disagreed and quickly set about disemboweling the Cap'n and feeding him to sharks. They set out with their ship full of valuable goods to the nearest port to sell off the
  • booty and log some serious R&R. But the sharks weren't satisfied with just the Cap'n. 4 great whites began circling the ship and when a large wave crested over the side
  • the sharks “bodysurfed” onto the deck of the ship for a second course. Thinking quickly, a deckhand put “Once Bitten Twice Shy” on the loudspeaker because he knew the great whites
  • hated that kind of music. "Not so great now, are ye?" the deckhand bellowed. The sharks below were insulted now; they'd never been treated like this by such riff raff since
  • they'd toured France. But the Sharks were insulted. What did the deckhand mean by "not so great?" Was he implying still great, but not as much as before? Or did he just call them
  • long distance? If they could get their dorsal fins on that sailor, but they were just small fish in a big pond. "The Sharks" were replaced by "The Squids" in Tiger Beat Magazine.


  1. SlimWhitman Oct 05 2011 @ 13:40

    Nice one all around! Stayed with the piraty theme to the end. The talking cutlass was a great twist voltcatfish!

  2. Zetawilk Oct 05 2011 @ 17:59

    What sort of sword is affectionate? A cuddle-ass!

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