Clueless! The international Who-dunnit game.

  • Clueless! The international Who-dunnit game. Was it Oli North in Iran with Weapons shipments? Or Saddam in Bagdad with WMDs? Or Fidel in Cuba with Soviet Missiles? You decide!
  • After the presentation, the Parker Brothers looked at each other. Noam Chomsky knew this game was a hit. But the brothers smiled politely and said, "You have anything with playdoug
  • h? You see, playdough stimulates the tactile development, as well as fine motor skills and social play. Besides, the vibrant colors invite childeren to use their imagination. Noam
  • num... num... as you can see Joey likes to chew the pink playdough and show off his teeth marks. Mary has proceeded to cover her hair entirely. I have just been beaned by Cubby.
  • So I break the cubby with my fist and my bone cracks. Joey laughs and Mary lectures, so at recess we beat them up. We beat them good. They're bleeding & crying & scarred. Fatties.
  • At snack time, we thought it would be fun to put some of that rat poison in Mrs. Milgillicutty's coffee mug, you know just to see what happens. While eating r snakpak pudding, we
  • innocently watched Mrs. Milgillicutty enjoy her laced coffee, knowing for sure we wouldn't have to take our math test this afternoon. By the time we finished our snakpaks, she'd
  • curled up in the corner to die a slow painful death. But our snakpaks were gone and they were hyperpalatable. SO GOOD. We didn't just want another one. We *needed* another one.
  • But I figured I was way too dehydrated for one more, but I soooooo needed to go one more round. We moved closer to one another, unzipped one another one more time and
  • drank from our zippered sheep skin cantines. It was all so romantic, until I realized she had poisoned mine. Et tu, beau-tay?


  1. jaw2ek Nov 08 2012 @ 21:05


  2. SlimWhitman Nov 09 2012 @ 20:03

    Tragic finish with ironic overtones. +++

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