The vacuum turned on by itself. Glowing light.

  • The vacuum turned on by itself. Glowing light. Roaring. The poodle cringed.
  • The new robotic vacuum cleaner was clearly evil thought the poodle. The lovely smells that filled the house were sucked away never to be sniffed again. If only
  • he could find a way to make it stop. He had already tried unsuccessfully enticing it into the garden. But the vacuum had a mind of it's own. Finally the poodle decided that if it
  • couldn't have a V1 rocket then nobody else would either. So he set about concocting a plan to rid the world of V1 rockets but as he was only a poodle it consisted simply of him
  • piddling on the pants leg of anyone he perceived to be a rocket scientist. This made the poodle very unpopular in most laboratories and did nothing to stop the V1 rockets from
  • pivoting gracefully away from the earth and towards the vast emptiness of the universe. The people cheered. The universe cried. And school was off for a day.
  • The folders of stories held a festival and celebrated the lost art of Surrealist games. The air was cleared of useless words and purified of obscenity. It was the happiest day ever
  • until the slam poets party crashed the surrealist festival. They swaggered in with four letter trash talk. The surrealists festival folded
  • quickly when a freaky dude with long armpit hair recited slam poetry:Junk is crap and crap is turd Turd is shit and shit is scum Riffraff is just one word And now this poem is dun
  • dun dun! Dead silence. No one clapped because no one was there. It was all a figment of his imagination. Everything. So let this be a lesson to y'all, y'hear??


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