Your eyes stare glued to the computer screen.

  • Your eyes stare glued to the computer screen. A blinking cursor in a blank field is your bane of existence. It will attempt to defeat your creative muse. FoldingStory is trying to
  • curse you with writer's block so that you will never be able to write another sentence ever again! You must overcome your lack of creativity and produce the most spectacular
  • tweet that's ever been tweeted. You will be trapped until you can express, in 140 characters or less, the essence of western civilization. Can you see your doom? Salvation
  • will only come when you can construct an erudite sentence without cursing! Do you even know what erudite means you asinine hermaphrodite redneck, and quit that damn tweeting you
  • rascally rabbit! Bugs was offended. Sure he cross dressed but he was not a hermaphrodite. Yes he starred in a hill billy cartoon, but that hardly made him a redneck, he turn
  • ed away from that years ago, by putting sunscreen on his neck. Daffy Duck would give him a very hard time about this display of vanity. Bugs shrugged. Sam's bullets wouldn't get
  • anywhere with these ghosts if he didn't find some rock salt soon. Dean was sure all these talking animals were lycanthropes of some sort. Bugs and Daffy weren't laughing now that
  • all the carrots were gone. And I hadn't seen the roadrunner for days now. Was the coyote the culprit? Had he turned Daffy and Bugs into blood-thirsty lycanthropes, bent on turning
  • ALL of the Warner Bros. cartoon characters into shapeshifting werewolves? I feared for the roadrunner for the 1st time in my life. It seemed Wiley finally figured out how to catch
  • the uncatchable. Of dust we're made and to dust we will return. Some of us sooner than others.


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