Of all the pies - apple, cherry, moon, even

  • Of all the pies - apple, cherry, moon, even pigeon pie, there was but one pie that Bartleby longed for. It had ruined him for all other pastries. He would sit in math class, idly
  • doodling a pie on high-precision graph paper. It spewed steam in the form of a sine curve (Or was it cosine? Perhaps he should pay attention). He called it "Pigeon Pi." The teacher
  • ,a new teacher at the "Nash School for Mathematically Gifted Children" made a beginners mistake,when she describing his "Pigeon Pi" as a perfect elliptic integral parametrization.
  • Okay, I just made that last part up, but it was the perfect smoke and mirrors in my excuse. I got those words out of my older brother's book, because what really matters in Denver
  • Omelets is how much smoked ham you put in them. I copied the whole recipe from my older brother and was the next contender on Iron Breakfast. Nobody knew my secret, except my bro.
  • I made a mental note to have him eliminated, and continued my prep work for Iron Breakfast. The smoked ham, eggs, onions, salt, pepper; all that was ready. But what to do with the
  • (me) Lucky Charms. That was my ace in the hole. But the audience was full of kids where were after me lucky charms. If I was going to win Iron Breakfast I'd have to
  • eat non-stop, even if it meant sharing scrambled eggs (yuk!) with these kids. But the worst part wasn't hiding me lucky charms away, nor having to sit in the kid-sized chairs with
  • my knees up to my elbows. What kind of restaurant is this? I like chicken fingers and applesauce as much as the next guy, but wearing bibs and drinking from the sippycups is a bit
  • dangerous for me since I am still seeking help with my infantilism. My doctor advised me against situations like this, but it will probably ok as long as I don't soil my diaper.


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