The sound of resonating crystal began at

  • The sound of resonating crystal began at 3:33 am. The glass next to my bed, half full of wine vibrated and rang. I noticed, along it's edge a trail of fleeting condensation, as if
  • the memory of my boyhood was just returning to me after the stroke. I thought I had lost everything, but something of a spark remained - just getting swirlies in elementary, but
  • was all I needed to explain my life-long phobia of public toilets.
  • What's even worse than a mere public toilet is a porta-potty. I loathe those things and refuse to bake inside of them, surrounded by the stetch of human excrement like some
  • open sewer running through the streets of a medieval town. No, baking was out of the question. My only other option was to reach
  • for my tooth brush and clean those dentures, right between her legs. This grandma had put dentures in her crotch, this was a real life Vagina Dentata. The only question was
  • did she have a strong enough dentifrice to clean that maw. Even the dentist in Little Shop of Horrors would have had to
  • enlist a legion of dominatrix MerryMaids to scrape & scrub away the festering accumulation of filth in that mouth. She settled on a cocktail of Comet & Listerine, with a Ty-D-Bol
  • chaser. That should do the trick. The intermingling of household chemical odors created an intoxicating brew as she poured them into a martini glass. For good measure, she added
  • the last of her absinthe. Not that it would make much difference. She zipped her jacket opened to her belly button and opened it wide. Whoever found her would get a good show.


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