Katie strode into the room, curls flying

  • Katie strode into the room, curls flying around her plump ruddy cheeks, her wild eyes wide with passion. "I want that Bircher muesli," she declared. "and I want it now". Dee paused
  • She was uncertain what to say next. This could not be the chocoholic Katie she know and loved asking for Bircher muesli, of all things! She must be possessed, Dee decided
  • to be human but then realized that required real modesty so she flicked the thought away like a dead beetle. Was Katie a true chocoholic? That became the most important question
  • of the investigation. Katie's body lay in the kitchen, next to an empty tray of Devil's Food Cake. Was this really death by chocolate? "She even licked off the fingerprints," said
  • Charlie the Tuna. "But something's fishy,this tattoo on her arm looks like Quetzalcoatl", said Det.Manatee teasing his assistant about his previous job. "Have the chocolate tested
  • for STDs." Sure enough, the bar of 66% caocao Polish Dark tested positive for Gonorrhea. J Man equipped his Atomic Disassembler Cannon. "Looks like this was...love at first bite."
  • "Not so fast, you sleek water steed, you," Agnieszka Przszeszewska, his Polish counterpart, commented.
  • By sleek water steed, of course, they meant the submarine with the screen windows. When it was dredged from the harbor,
  • It was covered with the cutest little starfish. My job was to get the sub ready. The Craigslist add was vague, so I brought mustard, cheese slices, and tomatoes. Hmm, don't I feel
  • right at all. Kind of ill to my...oh no! I've been poisoned! Dagnabbit, who'd ever have thought that someone on Craigslist could really be a cold-blooded serial killer!? Who!?


  1. Bad. Sep 16 2012 @ 19:12

    Looks like Manatee got both an assistant and a Polish counterpart in this story. I will never be able to spell/pronounce the latter.

  2. Zetawilk Sep 16 2012 @ 21:29

    Man if you can't trust a website that encourages random citizens to meet up for unverifiable business arrangements, /what/ CAN you trust?

  3. Zetawilk Sep 16 2012 @ 21:30

    Ag-neesh-ka Purr-zheh-zhew-ska.

  4. SlimWhitman Sep 17 2012 @ 03:03

    I tried Charlie the Tuna here, but it didn't really catch hold. A more successful JMan assistant is Jr. Det. Abalone. The story below is completed and there's another one in the works. http://foldingstory.com/lx844/ Background on Detective James Manatee: http://foldingstory.com/wz4az/

  5. Zetawilk Sep 17 2012 @ 03:26

    Charlie the Tuna sounds like a good name for Det. Manatee's streetear.

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