The grizzly bear smoked a calabash pipe because

  • The grizzly bear smoked a calabash pipe because
  • he was fond of fire and by smoking the pipe he could watch it burn. The arson squad had long suspected the grizzly bear was responsible for a series of forest fires around
  • the state, but no one could prove anything, so he was still a free man...well, free bear
  • Whose black fur coat was the envy of the ladies. Even five years later, this folding story is a great oportunity to remember December 2012 wasn't the end of the world as forecast!
  • The starting date of this story is self evident - text to right. Let's flesh out the fold a bit. The enviable black coat in question belonged to a gorilla, not a man in a suit.
  • It was a black morning coat, and when the gorilla wore it, he looked terribly stylish. People often mistook him for a British gorilla, especially when he affected an accent. But
  • , being Canadian, he was too polite to correct them. He would often sit at home, whipping up his favorite meal of maple syrup drizzled-bananas. His wife, an actual British gorilla,
  • preferred praline or marmalade over her bananas and once while on holiday in Kenya, she had treacle drizzled over her bananas. Her foregorillas, had been from Kenya. Except for her
  • hindgorillas she had no other gorillas & little conflict or confusion over whose bananas & what banana toppings, until the day He arrived with a can of non-dairy whipped topping.
  • She stared at his can and said, "Non-dairy? You've got to be kidding me!" She stepped back and slipped on a banana. They both pealed with laughter at the absurdity of it all.


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