Hi, I'm Jim Reaper. You might know someone

  • Hi, I'm Jim Reaper. You might know someone who came to know my brother, Grim. I can assure you that my interests lie in the agriculture sector, and maybe in you. For a fun time,
  • I would rather swallow your soul with the corn I harvest, than use the conventional method of taking your life. Us, the Reaper family are all a bit creepy, but my brother Grim is
  • Death personified. Grim is quiet and unassuming, patient but not forgiving. He'll stare you in the face until you give in. We Reapers each have our own personality quirks.
  • The Fascists had captured most of Europe. Refugees had nowhere to go. The Reapers were busy in the concentration camps. Hitler decided to invade Russia and Britain was on its
  • tod making bread from sawdust and grass. Not the cheeriest scenario for the AmDram's musical show this year, but Ms Ebli knew how to find belly laughs from WW2's bleakest moments
  • because she was a stand up comedian in one of the concentration camps. Ms. Ebli worked for the Gustapo to take the edge off of genocide. After the war, the world still needed laugh
  • ter, so Ms Elbi argued to the German government that the Gustapo, the stand-up comedy division of the Gestapo, should not be disbanded along with the rest of Hitler's reich.
  • Herr Von Troppen was the founder of the comedy channel on cable tv, under a pseudonym. The comraderie was phenomenally famous and frequently caricatured as a direct compliment.
  • And I told myself I would be better. I am better. Can't get much better. Well, yeah, it just did. Thank you for that. I is nice to know there's a Reader in this day and age.
  • I mean, Reader, its nice to know that in this day and age that someone is still reading. The ridiculous to the sublime, all can hope to be read.


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