Previously on Folding Story ...

  • Previously on Folding Story ...
  • A rush of tens of thousands of stories filled the vacant mind of the New Folding Story User. Now, he had been given the ultimate power in folding story knowledge. If only he knew
  • that every fold with its hopes and dreams would be crushed by the next line. He started his story of a girl falling in love for the first time, but by the next fold
  • she was a streetwalker with dementia and two club feet. These humble folds spiral out of control so quickly. Does it even make sense for a woman to wear high heels with club feet?
  • Well, it does if they weren't so much high heels as they were peg legs. But thanks for raining on the lady of the night's parade. It's not like she'll remember anyway. While you're
  • enjoying the pirate prostitute parade here at the nursing home, I believe I'm gonna wheel on over here & enjoy me some of this nice jello. WHAAAP! What the...?? Why did you throw
  • up in my lap?" Demanded Ed. A hot floppy acidic stomach batter of bile and tuna salad coated his legs. Stanley wiped his mouth, "Because Ed, it was too goddamn much
  • . I drained the bitter cup of fortune & I couldn't stomach it." Ed removed his trousers & put them in the bin. "Stan, we need to go & change your future. But not by conventional me
  • or conventional you." Ed produced two amber geltabs from behind his own ear. "Banisteriopsis capii," he grinned. "We won't enjoy this one bit." Stan gaped at the pellets, fearing
  • drug interactions. Ed should have listened to Stan. A half hour after he ingested the Banisteriopdid capii, Ed started turning round & round in circles & wouldn't stop. Ed laughed.


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