What is the meaning of life? Is it death?

  • What is the meaning of life? Is it death? or glory? Or even better,
  • Bacon. Bacon was the meaning of life.
  • Life was a crispy delicious shriveled piece of fat that gave you clogged arteries and a cornonary said the food life coach
  • , who argued that dieting was thus existentially nihilistic. "Pigs are to be worshipped, then sacrificed for breakfast sandwiches to instill meaning" (Gospel of Jimmy Dean 2:1-7).
  • But the word of God was its truest when the good book said, "Then you take that Bacon, wrap it in sugar dough, put some butter up in thar and fry it." (Gospel of Paula Dean 1:14-6)
  • Paula Dean, it should be explained; was the patron saint of Oil and Grease. It was on her day that we celebrated the lavish Holiday known as
  • Brilliantine Day.John Travolta was invited to the holly festivities but declined due to an
  • infection in his lower intestines.It made him look pale and tired and to endure all the different smells and flavours of all that holly sheet,they needed someone sane.Travolta sent
  • out for pizza, then reclined amongst the stench to wait it out. Thirty minutes later the doorbell rang & Travolta managed to drag himself to the door. He was shocked at who stood
  • there awaiting him: Olivia Newton John. Fear and embarrassment spread across his face, and he slammed the door in her face. That was the last person he needed to ever see again.


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