This is me talking to you and trying,just

  • This is me talking to you and trying,just trying to pull out something similar to an emotion.Even a word,tear or sigh,any kind of reaction to let me know you're not made of stone!
  • I hear her, but it's only one input of many! Sight, sound, touch, taste, it all comes in on overloaded channels. I know I talk but only one of my nerves control that. Which one?
  • "As it turns out, this nerve here controls your speech, sir," said Doctor Habbager. "Oh," I replied with interest. "Then which nerves control my other senses?"
  • But Dr. Habbager chuckled, "That's what is so funny. While you were asleep I connected the nerves from your nostrils to your penis and vice versa. Now when you have sex
  • you sneeze-gasm. Then all of the blue elves made up with the green fairies. Now, children, that concludes today's story, SNIFFLES, THE LAZY PANDA ON THE VERANDA." Go to sleep NOW!
  • But I had forgot the contract we had agreed to. The following was required: 2 bedtime stories, 4 songs about cats, 1 glass of water at room temperature, the fuzzy pjs with hippos,
  • fresh glow sticks, a set or two of DJ Tiesto, coffee and cake at Denny's, a trip to Chicago, and the goldfish lullaby. I wasn't sure the kid would be rested enough for school, but
  • was I the kind of father that forgot he was in the backseat while sneaking off to Vegas for two weeks, or what? I was gonna take him straight home now that school started up, but
  • I still had that nagging 299 game on my mind. I couldn't think of anything else but to finally roll a 300. "Screw it." Instead of school, I had my son keep score while I
  • kept practicing. "Dad, I said 'SCREW IT'." I understood what my son was trying to say then and released the ball. BLAMMMM! I'd done it! We hugged and cried! My son, what a GENIUS!


  1. 49erFaithful Jan 17 2013 @ 19:41

    Ahh, the ole screwball. Works every time!

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