Crydon swallowed the fear that crawled up

  • Crydon swallowed the fear that crawled up his mouth. The Decteron's opticals remained fixed on his face plate, scanning, comparing his TechnoMoniker against
  • his iris pattern. Would the transplants match the donor? The Deceteron swiveled to the side. "You are cleared for access." The door slid open and Crydon entered the airdock.
  • He whistled nonchalantly. Translucent fluid sweated down Crydon's lateral cranial ducts. He fondled his suitcase nervously & crawled up the ramp to the Placental Kaleidoscope.
  • I have now eleven heads, according to my retinas and the portrayal of my reflection. That's when banana suits dislodge from my suitcase and midgets roam like the leprechauns they
  • are shaken about in the bumpy flight. I should have reconsidered the cheap tickets with Lucky-if-we-make-it airlines but saw an online last minute deal and couldn't resist.
  • It was a new economy flight. We were given paper smocks to wear and requested to use the restrooms before departure to save weight. I clutched the hand strap as we took off.
  • I was still feeling fragile after the pre flight enema so refused the single peanut offered by the steward. Once landed I wandered out into a dark Moscow night in my paper smock. T
  • Boone Pickens was there to meet me. T Boone & I were evaluating some natural gas deposits in the Siberian wilderness. We had a 32-hour bareback caribou ride ahead of us. I shifted
  • uncomfortably on the caribou's back, thinking of my wife back home.To pass the time, T Boone & I starting singing. Then I passed some natural gas of my own. Boone Pickens wondered
  • how my wife put up with me, but T Boone & I laughed & sang:"Keep smilin', keep shinin', knowing you can always count on me, fo sho.That's what friends are for..." until we got home


  1. SlimWhitman Oct 30 2013 @ 13:20

    @GB: Placental Kaleidoscope. LOL

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