The girl ran to the landline, exasperated.

  • The girl ran to the landline, exasperated. She dialed 911 with shaky hands. She stood there, heart racing, eyes frantically searching the room for a threat.
  • Her senses were on such hyper alert she was detecting violent crimes about to happen five miles away. Then she realized the land line was dead. There had been no dial tone. Silence
  • She put the phone down panicked wondering what to do. She couldn't go to where it would happen you she might end up as a victim herself or be accused of the crime about to happen.
  • She called Carter. Yes, he might still hate her, but he was good at this stuff. While he could be stubborn, she knew he had a good heart. He'd help, if not her, for someone else.
  • She had just ended things with Carter no more than 3 months prior, hopefully this would not be an issue.
  • He had been arrogant- too arrogant and prideful to see past his own mistakes. At first, it wasn't nearly as terrible, however, as time went on, she began to see his true colors.
  • This arrogance, pride, and self-righteous would lead to lead to his downfall. All these colors he had shown revealed a weakness. He cannot see that others would
  • someday regard him as possibly the worst leader in history. For now though, he lives under the impression that he is the greatest, ever. He thinks that if he keeps repeating this,
  • that people will fall into his delusion and illusion and he will become the leader of a cult full of debauchery without regard for his follower's feelings. He meets a naive ...
  • sperlunker convinced that debaucherous cults were simply illusory. He thought he could hold out on joining any such cult. However, in the end , the sperlunker caved.


  1. RhettOracle Jan 22 2020 @ 00:21

    Too bad I can’t spell: spelunker.

  2. BlastedHeath Jan 22 2020 @ 16:29

    Well I can think of several countries that add extra letters, and some that leave a few out. Chaulker would a-prouve.

  3. Woab Jan 26 2020 @ 11:54

    Plus, your ending rocked.

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