Always I begin empty and lose nothing constantly

  • Always I begin empty and lose nothing constantly until I am full again.
  • Gaining is simple; the world seeps into the core of everything you're made of-space- and lingers in your veins, quivering under its sadistic joy of control.
  • Unfortunately, that's how the world works nowadays. That's how everything works. Nothing surpasses anyone. You want something for yourself? The world will watch you with judgement.
  • You stand out from everyone else, you don't get praised or acknowledged. The world has screwed me over repeatedly and so that's why I'm
  • done. I am done with living on this barren wasteland of a planet, with people constantly using and abusing others. It is time I find a new place to inhabit...a new place to live.
  • So I moved to another barren wasteland of a planet altogether, but this time there were no people on it, and that was fine by me until I realized there was no-one there to text.
  • I loved texting so I decided to befriend the wild animals there. I taught them how to walk talk & use tools. Then it dawned on me, this wasn't another world but another time. I
  • Got texts from Mittens the cat. She wondered when I would buy her catnip. I replied there was some at home and I would find it when I returned after work. Mittens said okay.
  • Little did I know that Mittens and her neighborhood cabal of gnostic and hermeticist cats had forsworn catnip for a greater cause, and had prepared a ritual of which I would become
  • cat meat. As they sacrificed me my soul turned into a ghost. But not just any ghost... I turned into Inky, my favorite ghost from the beloved game, Ms Pacman.


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