"And if you put on the patented helmet, you

  • "And if you put on the patented helmet, you can feel the warmth of an actual human hug..." Becca scoffed at the commercial. She had cats, what was the use of hugs? Her apartment
  • smelled like boiled lysol and cat urine. To Becca, that smell was better than human hugs. She would inhale it so deeply that it felt like needles were drilling through her brain.
  • And that's how Becca became the producer for the Twilight movies. Off in an inconspicuous corner, a drummer beat out a "badump-tsch!" on his instrument. Overdone, yet still needed.
  • Becca wanted to produce a blockbuster movie with teen angst & vampire suspense but then Rod Serling's ghost began to haunt the shoots. On the film material he'd show up narrating
  • every little thing the actors did, and he was really getting on everybody's nerves. Sure, the ghost could float around on set rattling things, but his voice was so /annoying/.
  • His voice was like a globin and his looks was horrible ."Can i have a sip of water?"
  • The glowing goblin, known as globins in these parts, reached for the water, wild-eyed and frazzled-looking. "Everything ok, champ? That's your 3rd one." I asked while tending bar.
  • "Well, since you asked," the globlin replied. "No...I'm not OK. It's my wife, Hema. She's left me" Against my better judgment, I poured the globlin another one. It was getting
  • more difficult to understand the globin's increasingly drunken words. "Your wife has left you?" I repeated. "Was she a globin too?" Silly question. I regretted it immediately. "WHA
  • P!" I hit myself on the forehead with a frying pan because I can't deal with these retards any longer. "WHAP! WHAP!" Beautiful stars, don't eat molla.. "WHAP!" Peaceful oblivion.


  1. SlimWhitman Feb 18 2015 @ 04:29

    Globin couldn't coordinate with Hema, and that nerdy scientist Max kept staring at her even bragging about it. Life was getting complicated due to his mistress Cyana. She was superjealous and wouldn't let him go. He felt he could hardly breath around her and her pushy friend Mya, the musclelady. His cousin Flavia was full of irony about his predicament.

  2. earthquakes Feb 18 2015 @ 20:06

    The imagery was spot-on with the cat apartment haha! Eeeppp

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