I hate when people watch me open their presents.

  • I hate when people watch me open their presents.
  • But it is part of my job as a TSA, when Christmas comes around, it my job to tear through every shred of wrapping for drugs and bombs. The worst part is the kids tear up because
  • waiting till Christmas to unwrap your drugs and bombs is the reason for the season. I swung the metal detector wand like a katana. We TSA officers were above feudal lords but below
  • emperors; this was the one thing we held true. We knew never to abuse this power, but it tempted me. My metaphoric katana dinged, signifying metal and a potential threat. I then
  • metaphorically beheaded a dragon with the katana, before streaking off into the night, a shadowy figure, who left no trace behind him.
  • But metaphorical wounds heal the quickest, and the dragon's head was still attached. It leapt into the sky as well and roared, searching for the shadowy figure with the katana. It
  • searched for hours, then days, then years, but the dragon could not locate its assailant. Exasperated, it settled on a cliff. When it reached to scratch an itch on its shoulder, it
  • Found the spot where his nanoboy was guiding him over the cliff. Nanoboy said the parachutes were coming, and he was correct. They landed in the Electric City.
  • They rocked down to Electric Avenue. At some point one of the parachutes caught fire and Nanoboy had to jump into a pail of pale ale. "How am I going to explain this to Mom?" he
  • asked Mom. "I don;t know Honey, why don't you start at the beginning & stop at the end & maybe have a middle in there as well, I am sure I will understand if you do so," said Mom.


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