They watched in utter shock as mother's took

  • They watched in utter shock as mother's took their toddler daughters wrapped them in glimmering cloth and placed them in all their pageantry in the box only to come out as pre-teen
  • girls themselves. The newly prepubescent mothers looked at their toddler daughters. "I don't think we thought this pageant spell through," Linda said, holding little Janey.
  • Linda checked her phone and had a revelation. "I'll stuff Janey into an OtterBox for safety. Why am I like the best parent?" The Prepubescent Witchery School Pageant was a success
  • to no one which is why it was sued in a class action and bankrupted. But this story is about the disgusting attorney who represented them. His name was Will and he'd been on coke
  • smarty mixers and the mix came to boil during proceedings at Judge Wopper's Circuit court. Attorney Will Bustamov went up like a volcano.
  • A Pepsi volcano that had just had a tube of mentos added to it. Will Bustamov's reaction was judged inappropriate by the Judge Wopper, and he banished Will. Will cried as he went
  • commando and wiped out the whole Wopper enchilada. Then he went after the Judys. Still crying he overran her courtroom with shenanigans and hoopla and even, some claim, silliness.
  • Judy the judge shut down the courtroom for the day. Everyone was sent home and paid for their fullshift, so the debris could be cleaned up before the next filming sessions Monday.
  • Everyone, of course, but Edna the cleaning lady. She would have to stay late sweeping the broken glass from Judge Judy's courtroom floor, and cleaning the blood stains from the
  • roman blinds. Edna tutted. "As if I didn't have enough to do, and blood makes such a mess". The street was dark by the time she left the courtroom. A car sped by and Edna was


  1. hilary Feb 10 2017 @ 20:45

    Argh done it again. I blame the coffee.

  2. Flopp Feb 11 2017 @ 12:04

    haha welcome to the laborious-last-line society for coffee junkies

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