He purchased a Skrall bionicle set & a technic

  • He purchased a Skrall bionicle set & a technic II powered machine set. He'd lost his biotech job to his lego addiction but he was obsessed with completing his working life-sized
  • version of himself. He generated a total copy of himself which he would send to interviews while the "real" him stayed at home and ate hot pockets. The only problem was batteries.
  • He set to work on a solar hairpiece that would allow his copy to operate battery-free. He threw a ham n cheese in the nuker and buckled down. This avoidance of work was getting to
  • smell funnier than cancer laced microwaved piggy melt. Wouldn't it be nice if more things in life were automated? If only his mother hadn't pampered him so, he might have become
  • self-sufficient, but here he was, having his diaper changed by his roommate. Bing! "Our piggy melts are done," said Roomie, leaving him on the changing table for the world to see.
  • I was annoyed. It was bad enough my friend had suddenly aged in reverse until he was an infant again, but there was no need for our roommate to patronize him. "Hey!" I snapped,
  • "Cut it out with the breast-feeding already, will ya?" My God, my roommate would do anything for a thrill. My reverse-aged friend looked satisfied, though, as far as infants go.
  • I mean, it's not like I object to breastfeeding in public, to help feed the homeless. Feeding them & ogling strangers' bodies are good causes, right? But my reverse-aged friend was
  • looking embyronic by now & people were starting to stare. His large head lolled back & forth as his fingers & toes regressed into jellified appendages.My reverse-aged friend curled
  • his tail around his head & continued to shrink. He thought about making a long speech like out of 'The Incredible Shrinking Man' but his mouth disappeared & then he did too.


  1. SlimWhitman Mar 08 2014 @ 20:29

    Let that be a lesson not to eat too many hot pockets

  2. Zetawilk Mar 08 2014 @ 22:49

    Between the non-uniform heating and the tongue-burning ooze, I usually eat none. :< Until the people that buy them eat my leftovers instead of the food they bought for themselves.

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