I looked around me. I fought of the cold

  • I looked around me. I fought of the cold winter breeze with a warm, comforting coffee.
  • The liquid warmth of the coffee suffused my chest & my hands gratefully gripped the warm mug. But looking up I noticed I was not alone, waiting in the cold at the bus stop for
  • spoiling for a fight was the Evil Hyper Homeless Man. The coffee connected with my mutated tissue. I became Captain Caffeine. The crowd in Starbucks
  • was too busy checking their twitter feeds to notice as I, the Cap squared off with Hyper Hobo. I grabbed a decaf Toffee nut Latte from a barrista & ignoring the "hot liquids warni
  • warning, drank it all in one gulp. Immediately regretting it, I did not let the burning pain of my throat be known. "Hyper Hobo, we got to move faster," I, the Cap, said.
  • We barely made it to the water fountain and hailed a taxi. One came right away. The driver was a dog-man.
  • By dog-man I mean he looked as ugly as one of those hairless homeless dogs wandering around on 31st Street. As I got in the taxi I told him to go to
  • 31st Street. Man I missed seeing those dogs. They reminded me of my uncle Owens, a man who was a bit rough 'round the edges but loyal to a fault. When the cab reached 31 I flipped
  • out because who, oddly enough, was loitering there on the corner but my Uncle Owens! "Hey!" I shouted at him as I got out of the cab. But he didn't seem to recognize me. "Yo, Uncle
  • O-oh my goodness what is he doing?" "From the look of it, stepping into oncoming traffic," said the cabbie. I ran over and pulled him back just in time. I saved his life that day.


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