Christian Louboutin Boots

  • Christian Louboutin Boots
  • Was the website of the man who touched monkey's in their swimsuit area.
  • Maurice explored the website for many hours. In awe of just how many ways a man could touch a monkey in it's swimsuit area.
  • Maurice had a vague feeling the games on www.touchthemonkey.com had some libidinous overtones, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it, but later when his bonobo
  • began having pregnancy cravings, Maurice knew things had gone too far. How was he going to explain this to the bonobo's father, Mr. Goompo? He was not the cheeriest primate on the
  • commune and the bonobo's father's vow of celibacy was starting to wear thin. So paired with lustful busking & pregnancy cravings, Mr. Goompo went through Cher's entire discograghy.
  • He soon found himself surrendering legs in the air to a woman we'll call Lola. Sure she looked like a man and acted like one too but he wanted kids. Mr. Goompo was pregnant in no t
  • Ime and appeared on Oprah's show. He looked stunning in his maternity jumper. Lola said they needed to get married and they did. They lived happily ever after in a New York flat.
  • But wait. The story doesn't end there. Not by a long shot. Their baby was born & grew up to become President of the United States. His name: Donald.
  • Knowing the begetting and all, at this point, you can probably already guess what a complete idiot savant he was. He could turn his own shit into gold. Gladly though, he died.


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