Bog and his moose knuckle like ice cream

  • Bog and his moose knuckle like ice cream
  • his moose knuckle started talking this was an amazing surprise
  • for a young Jim Carrey who'd just found the jumpstart for his career in the 90s. Once he got all that talking bodily orifice out the way, he could turn to artsy stuff that mattered
  • such as soaking himself in lamp oil, lighting himself ablaze, and beating capuchin monkeys oblivious in public. Jim Carrey had learned the routine from the Jerky Boys, and to show
  • boat even more, Jim Carrey did an impression of Jim Carrey doing an impression of himself. This mad his elastic jaw explode because the wacky winky wonky levels had been over
  • Long before the camera stopped rolling, making the cable tv show an embarrassment beyond words. The number 23 kept appearing and Jim acted like Lady Macbeth. Lady Macbeth hersel
  • f gave Romeo and Juliet two fingers sky high, in remorse to the Television Cameras in the 16th Century Tradgey.
  • This tapestry depicts a typical 16th century audience getting up to go to the bathroom during a commercial for blood-letting products. Note the undone codpiece on the peasant in
  • the center courtyard. The ladies of the court seem reasonably impressed & the lords fairly envious. I wondered if the peasant & his open codpiece on the tapestry were related to
  • the piece of cheese on Mona Lisa's smile or cupcakes on Venus de Milo's breasts. I broke tabu & ate a piece of the peasant's codpiece. After that it was food orgy in the museum.


  1. Rebbie Nov 01 2016 @ 17:57

    Non modern orgy art!

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