"Look, you're my friend and all but fuck

  • "Look, you're my friend and all but fuck you for waking me up at 2 am for your dumbass conspiracy theory." "BUT KEVIN THE JANITOR IS AN ACTUAL FAIRY. HE HAS THE WINGS AND STUFF."
  • "Great, well let him wave his magic wand and get the floors buffed and let me get some goddamn sleep!" he said and hung up the phone on his friend. Meanwhile, out by the dumpster,
  • Rudy Tootoot was frantically rummaging through the debris. "It's gotta be in here somewhere! Please, God, help me find..." At that moment, the phone inside rang again. Rudy tripped
  • over the Kirby vaccuum cord. "Darn it!" he yelled, scaring his cat, Marcy, who was sleeping on a stack of books nearby.
  • The cat ran off knocking over the pile of books. That pile falling hit the next pile which then met the next, etc. "Look what you've done Marcy," he said. The apple cart got turned
  • over and the cat was playing with a golden apple which was from Runescape, meant for Snow Whitw
  • . Snow Whitw was often confused with another character, much to her annoyance, and wanted to use the golden apple to exact revenge on all those idiots. But the cat wouldn't let go
  • of his boots, so she embarked barefoot on the yellow brick road and threw the apple at the first Oompa-Loompas she saw. But they were skittish little creatures
  • and knew they shouldn’t be in Oz because they weren’t even characters in the Wizard of Oz. However, they decided to force the issue: The Oompa-Loompas attacked the Munchkins and
  • the whole thing turned into a bloodbath. It’s all there on YouTube to see if you need to see it. I’m sure they’ll make a movie before years end. Just in time for the Oscars.


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